Australian Tattoo Expo Melbourne 2018

What a huge weekend the Victims team had at the Aus Tattoo Expo! Tobias, Wiz, Hany and Mickey all smashed out big days, with Hany taking home best large black and grey at the Tattoo Series awards! Big congrats to Hany and his client Cole for sitting like a rock the whole day. Check out the video below to catch a glimpse of Cole being interviewed by Channel 7 news Melbourne!

Tarot Card tees by Mickey and Axolotl Mascot tee by Will

Our new t shirts have arrived and were hugely popular at the expo! We are working on our online store so keep an eye out in the next week or 2 to grab yours!

Opening hours over Xmas/New Year

We will be closed from the 23rd of December and reopen on the 2nd of January 2019. Please note during these times we will be open by appointment only, and all enquiries will be responded to once we reopen for the New Year. If you have an emergency and need to reschedule your appointment on the 2nd or 3rd of Jan please email

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